Open now! Additional large grant funding round for 2024
Udny Community Trust has added an additional round of funding for large grants (>£1,000) only, open now for applications. The deadline for applications for this funding round is 8 January 2025. Applications will be reviewed at the January 2025 Board Meeting.
If you are considering making a grant application, we strongly recommend that you contact us as your first step. This is particularly important for large grant applications.
Udny Community Fund
As part of our commitment to help the community of Udny to develop, we manage the sizable Udny Community Fund. Since it opened in 2011, we have distributed over £667,000 to local good causes and continue to welcome grant applications from local groups and organisations who meet the criteria below.
- - The Udny Community Fund is open to voluntary/not-for-profit organisations and community groups.*
- - The Udny Community Fund is open to groups not individuals or private businesses.
- - The eligible area for the Fund is Udny (the Parish or Community Council area of Udny).**
- - Capital (e.g. equipment) and revenue costs (e.g. venue hire) are eligible for funding.
- - Applicant groups must have a bank account in their name (no funds can be paid to individuals).
* It is not necessary to be a registered charity to apply. However, organisations and groups must be capable of meeting the ‘Charities Test’ as set out by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). For more information, please see visit the OSCR website.
** Projects that are not in Udny can apply but MUST be in an nearby area and ensure that they can demonstrate how the group and / or project provides benefit to the community of Udny. In such cases, it is strongly recommended that you speak to us before completing and submitting a grant application. Our Office Manager, Ruth Cluness, can be contacted by telephoning 01651 843776 or by emailing
Terms & Conditions
Please read the Grant Terms and Conditions and Grant Guidance before submitting your application.
Grants Awarded in 2024
Small Grants
Pitmdden School - P7 Residential (Transition Event)
Pitmedden and Udny Panto - Pitmedden and Udny Panto 2024
Dr Spence Memorial Hall - Village Picnic
Udny Green Frost Fair - Udny Green Frost Fair 2024
Udny Community Shelf - Udny Community Shelf
Formartine Youth Project - Pitmedden Youth Cafe
Friends of Udny Green Cemeteries - Enhance the Udny Green Cemeteries
Large Grants
PUT Community SCIO - Pitmedden and Udny Green Replacement Planters
Udny Climate Action - Home Retrofit and Renewable Heating: Next Steps in Udny
Dr Spence Memorial Hall - Pickleball at Udny Green
Formartine Youth Project - Formartine Youth Project
Grants Awarded in 2023
Small Grants
Pitmedden and Udny Panto - Pitmedden and Udny Panto 2023
Udny Climate Action - Tree Nursery
Udny Pre School and Playgroup - Enhancing the Learning Environment
Udny Green Frost Fair - Udny Green Frost Fair 2023
PUT Community SCIO - Upgrade Pitmedden Village Planters
Formartine Youth Project - Pitmedden Youth Cafe
Pitmedden Amenities Trust - New Curtains for the Main Hall
Udny Green School Parent Council - Supporting our School Through the Cost of Living Crisis this Christmas
Large Grants
Formartine Youth Project - Formartine Youth Project Continuation
Wood RecyclAbility
Udny Tennis Club - Tennis Court Floodlights
Grants Awarded in 2022
Small Grants
Dr Spence Memorial Hall - Platinum Jubliee Picnic
Good Companions - Summer Outing
Udny Station Community Association - Solar Panel Inverter Replacement
Udny Green Frost Fair - Frost Fair 2022
Abfab Fundraising - Burns Supper and Celidh
Inverurie Orchestra - Summer Concert
Udny Green School Parent Council - Big Maths
Udny Climate Action - Climate Week North East 2023
Udny Station Pre School and Playgroup - Food Hygiene Training Course
Pitmedden Tiny Tots - Tiny Tots Messy Play and Tumble Tots Classes
Udny Community Shelf - Food Waste Campaign
Formartine United Youth Academy 2013s - Team Development Opportunities
Udny Climate Action - Queen's Green Canopy Plaque
Large Grants
Abfab Fundraising - Udny Panto 2022
Udny Community Council / Udny Resiliance Group - Power to the Community
Ellon Rugby SCIO - Player Safety and Development Project
Wood RecyclAbility - Apple Orchard Tree Support
Formartine Youth Project - Formartine Youth Project
Haddo Arts - Song for Haddo Community Music Day
Rainbow Rogues - Rainbow Rogues Continuance
Gordon District Scouts - Daviot Campsite Re-development