The Trust Staff Team
Udny Community Trust is currently made up of 2 full-time members of staff: Ruth Cluness, Manager and Teresa Constanza, Administrator.
The Trust staff team are responsible for delivering the work of the Trust. This is very wide-ranging so it's easier to say that they are behind all that the Trust do! The Trust staff team work on an open door policy and always welcome ideas and feedback from the community.
A lot of what we do comes about from an idea or a thought. Take our Udny Health Walk for example. A comment was made during a conversation about how a walking group would be a great addition to the community. Our then Development Officer investigated what was out there and found the Health Walk model. The Trust Staff Team then went on a training course and set-up Udny Health Walk in early 2017. Although numbers attending in the first few months were low, word of mouth soon spread and more Walkers joined to the point now that we regularly get twenty to thirty walkers each week. We now also have a small group of dedicated Volunteer Walk Leaders.
The Volunteer Board of Directors
At the heart of the Trust are volunteers. Our Board of Directors are all volunteers who live locally and give up their time to manage the Trust. Trust Directors and staff work closely together to make the Trust what it is. This is done by having monthly Board Meetings where a wide range of Trust business is dealt with. The Chairman and staff also meet fortnightly to discuss the day-to-day running of the Trust and The Medan Centre. All of our volunteer Board of Directors each bring different qualities, strengths and expertise to the Trust.

Brian McDougall – Chairman

Sue Hebenton

Marion Jamieson

David Murray